Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Art In Fiction 'Summer in February'

I have recently beeen reading Summer in February by jonathan Smith published by Abacus 1995,
Set in West Cornwall at the start of the 20th century, it tells the story of three people Sir Alfred Munnings, Gilbert Evans , Florence Carter- Wood.

It opens with the famous speech Munnings gave to the Academy attacking modern art and as it was broadcast live it was heard all over the country, Gilbert Evans was sitting at home hearing it, as was Laura Knight, it was not really done to be so outpoken and a good thing that he was retiring that year.
It is a tale of three people . two men who are in love with the same woman, the famous artist marries Florence but it is not to be a happy marriage as there are scenes of 'difficulties'. Florence, a artist in her own right makes two attemps at killing herself, the second one succsfull.

A interesting fact to emerge from the book was that Alfred Munnings was blind in his right eye but he did not let this stop him from becomming a painter, The accident happend whilist he was out with a dog and a younger puppy, helping the puppy over some brambles a bramble swung back and cauaught him in the eye, because he did not get it treated soon enough the eye became infected

The book is very evocitive of time and place.summerinfebruary. Sir Alfred Munnings
As a book it is very interesting and brings the artists alive. Alfred Munnings being a larger than life personality having a fondest for drink.

The painting onthe cover on the cover of the book is of Florence sitting on his favourite horse, Merrilegs and the title of the painting is Morning Ride


harry bell said...

Thanks for that - looks an interesting book. The link to the film-in-production is interest8ng too.

Chris Bellinger said...

Thank You for your comment, Yes it was a very interesting book and brings the people alive very well!

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