Tuesday, 14 August 2007

A thought or two about Constable

I thought I would have a no image day today and instead lay down on paper some musings on Constable.
Very often Constable is considerd a choclate box painter . He was very much a person who seemed attached to place. He needs to know someone who lived there or a least known a area for a long time. One example of this would be his connection with Salsibury.He knew the archdeacon, John Fisher and stayed regulary. Another example would be his own home county of Suffolk and the area around Dedham Mill. indeed it could be said that he fell in love with every twig and style,he knew the area so well it is as if it was in his very being.

He regarded the paintings he produced in emotional term and at one point talks of them as his children.

All the above are to be regarded as my own thoughts,ideas.......I may have read about them somewhere but at the moment I am trying to develope a certain style so please forgive any error that mayy have occured I shall be returning to Constable and other painters over the next few months.

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