Herewith todays entry , continuing my mountain theme and useing Corel.
Friday, 31 August 2007
A Quick Mountain Scene Doodle
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Labels: mountain sketch, SKETCHES
Thursday, 30 August 2007
In the Mountains
As I am in a mountain mood I thought I would start with a quick sketch useing Corel painter 2 as a experiment. This digital tool seems to produce interesting effects and is fairiy straightforward to use.
A artist worth investigating is Ernest Ludwig Kirchner,his use of colour is quite vibrant
N.B The link did not quite work out on this one so just click in type Kirchner in search.
I will be returning to the subject of mountains in a future blog.
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Labels: Mountain theme
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Seventh Heaven
Well that was what it seemed like this morning.
I spent a happy hour in Hobbycrafts new superstore that opend in Havant.A bit overwhelming at first,if you can not find it there then you will not find it anywhere!
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Monday, 27 August 2007
Paintings in Progress
copyright Christopher Bellinger
Two paintings on the go at once!
My favourite themes are the mountains and the coast. Also my favourite colour is Phthalo Blue.
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Sunday, 26 August 2007
A Artist Retreat
High in the hills, north of Tuscany there are ancient villages and old beech trees, in one of these villages there was a old monastry that was neglacted for many years until disvoverd by David Westby and Leon Whiton where with, combind energy and vision, converted it into a Artist retreat. They whent on and did the same thing in Puglia, on the heal of Italy, where they were featured on Grand Designs building a Arch.
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Norway in a Nutshall!
This is sketch was done during a Coach holday to Norway. A country well worth a vist. The National Gallery in Oslo was quite a find and has a few 'Norwegian impresionistc paintings' which were interesting to see.
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Friday, 24 August 2007
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
A Mountain Scene
This is turning into a long running marothon as I am not quite sure what firefox has done with some of my images they seem to be enlarged rather annoying. Anyway here is a mountain scene. Hope you like it.!
I may in futer just use firefox for text
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Towards abstract.
This was a experiment on a hexegonal shape, I am not sure about my style. there seems to be a bit of everything in it but it seems to talk about other dimensions maybe wormholes one thing leading to another.
Sorry that the whole image is not on I will take a photograph later but wanted to put this in the blog.
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Monday, 20 August 2007
At the moment I am very much feeling my way with the blog writing things that may interest a wider audience or may not.
What I propose is a continuation of Constable research and maybe a look at some dutch painting along the way, There is a strong connection, I feel between Suffolk skies and Dutch skies both are sources of light and important focal points in paintings of Constables time and before.
I will continue to post images that I create because they are important to me .
I want to continue to expand my personal knowledge of other Artists and themes in art.
Of course as with any plan there will be changes
Further research of summer project for uni (2nd year) Westminster to Tower Bridge.
Further objectives :
Monet paintings(his London ones)
John Virtue
Kurt Jackson
(The colour will change once a link has been established at present no link here for artists named)
Interview planned for blog.
Review of exhibition at Pallant House gallery, Chichester
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Sunday, 19 August 2007
These photo were taken near my home last Friday morning at abot 11.30. The clouds were building up nicely and there were obviously some heavy showers nearby. As part of my Constable research i wanted to take a closer look at some of the things he did with clouds.
it appears that he did variouse sky studies and he called them 'skying' as he wrote in on 23October 1821,he believed that
the sky was one of the m important points in a landscape painting and without it there would not be much of a painting as it was the source of light. Like his rainbows he seems to have become obsessed with the painting of sky and would very often do sketches os studies several time a day National Gallery of Australia
Source of Blog from "Constable Impressions of Land Sea and Sky" If there is trouble with the page , the exhibition of Constable was held in 2006
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Friday, 17 August 2007
Down by the Sea
Returning to one of my obsessions which is the coast. I never tire of doing a coastel scene and even though it might appear to be the same there are sutle differences. This one is on a card and I scanned it. It is still in its cellophane bag. People do like originale woks of art on card and I send them to people who I know will appreciate them.
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Chichester in The Rain
Here is one of my sketch like cards that I design. They are done with watersoluable crayons and a edding pen.
Chichester is one of my favourite haunts, the old market cross and the cathedral. The Pallant House Gallery is a excellent Gallery to visit.
greenandstone in North street is a brilliant art shop with friendly and helpfull staff.
The view on the card is my representation of the old market cross.
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
More on Constable
A recent book I borrowed from the local library at Portsmouth is called "Essential Constable" published by Parragon Books in 2004 and the author is Mandi Gomez. I have not really read it as yet but it is very interesting. for instance on page 14 the author concludes that Constable's Landscapes"had always been sentimental and personal". Therefore I can justify what I was saying in yesterdays blog.
Constable was almost obsessed by the rainbow motif which appears in in numerouse sketches and drawings as well as major works such as in a paintings of Salisbury and Stonehenge[page 110).
Constable was very good with the use of his sketchbook studies and these could be considerd works of art as well as the finished painting.
At the moment this is just gathering information and playing around with thoughts.
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
A thought or two about Constable
I thought I would have a no image day today and instead lay down on paper some musings on Constable.
Very often Constable is considerd a choclate box painter . He was very much a person who seemed attached to place. He needs to know someone who lived there or a least known a area for a long time. One example of this would be his connection with Salsibury.He knew the archdeacon, John Fisher and stayed regulary. Another example would be his own home county of Suffolk and the area around Dedham Mill. indeed it could be said that he fell in love with every twig and style,he knew the area so well it is as if it was in his very being.
He regarded the paintings he produced in emotional term and at one point talks of them as his children.
All the above are to be regarded as my own thoughts,ideas.......I may have read about them somewhere but at the moment I am trying to develope a certain style so please forgive any error that mayy have occured I shall be returning to Constable and other painters over the next few months.
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Monday, 13 August 2007
Following The Dream
This is a copy of the flyer for my show earlier this year. Had a interesting conversation this morning with a gallery owner who wanted to know "where my pictures come from". Well they are based on places I have been, things I may have seen, imagination, where does art come from? Anyway he is going to have a think about it. I would say that my painting is impressionistic. It is to do with landscape and structure.
Does anyone have any ideas? Do my pictures speak to you?
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Sunday, 12 August 2007
From a Swiss sketchbook
Here are some Swiss mountain Sketches from a holdiay in Switzerland a few years back. Mountains always inspire and I very often go through phases of painting mountains.
I was trying to get these pictures to come out the right way up whilst it could be done in my mac, it did not tranfer to here but as i wanted to blog something today......
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Saturday, 11 August 2007
Down to the sea[a bit later]
Just a quick one to keep these daily postings going. This one is of the same larger one I showed the other day or was it yesterday? Anyway It is a interesting exercise to see how a painting has developed to take a photo of it. I notice that there appears to be a man in a tie walking up from the sea in this one, can you make him out?
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Friday, 10 August 2007
Down to the sea
Todays offering is part of a coastal theme that is one of my obseesions I manged to produce it on a 6ft by 4ft canvas. This picture was part of that but not the finale version.
If anyone out there knows(changing the subject) how can I show a link to another site? Say if I wanted to point people to the National Gallery in London so tje could click straight Hope its not too complicated!!! Thanks in anticiipation!
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Another painting from my archivs! This one was aso shown at PortmouthCentral Library. I did a lot of scratching which worked out quite well also again there was another painting underneath so I used emoltion paint to cover it up.
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Labels: Painting
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
"See you Later"
This was another painting from the exhibition I mentioned yesterday that I held earlier this year.I think on the whole, this was a succesfull painting and it seemed to grow as I painted it from the original beach type scene to a scene involving two people. It is almost as if the viewer is looking at a moment of time between two people who know each other very well, perhaps they are mother and son, but then it is for the viewer to imagine whhat they like as we all see the world in different ways.
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Here is a painting I had in a exhibtion at Portsmouth Central Library earlier this year.
It is probably based on images from my travel in warmer climates in Italy or Spain I think it works and I love
to use bright hot colurs!
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Labels: Painting
Monday, 6 August 2007
Another view of Westminster
This painting is another Westminster view and done on a larger scale than the one shown yesterday,I am still not one hundred% happy about the position of the bridge. I may well do a bit more work on this one. Very often some of my paintings are better after being painted on top of others its almost as if you get the history and feel of it more rather than just straight on to canvas.
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Labels: Painting
Sunday, 5 August 2007
This is one of my favourite views of Westminster and one of my current themes.The painting is in Acrylic and part of my Westminster to Tower bridge series that I am currently developing, There will be a few more of these comming through over the next few months
Posted by
Chris Bellinger
Saturday, 4 August 2007
About Art mainly
The Above Pictures were done by me and are made by useing watersoluable crayons with a edding pen,This tends to be be my style when I travel and it is part of my intention here to show some more of my sketchbooks and discuss arty things.
I am a mature student studying fine art at Portsmouth University and approaching my second year there Part of the current project I am thinking about is of Westminster Tower Bridge, this will involve painting collage and maybe in the end a installation. I Put in the ST MICHAEL'S MOUNT as a interesting picture as i am doing a whole series of these cards athe moment.
I would like some feedback from anyone who is passing. as that is always interesting.
With the London project I intend to look at Monet and the series he painted of Houses of Parliament. I want to include Kurt Jackson as a good modern example.
I have also included a scene from one of my sketckbooks of a Swiss church
I Hope this will be of interest and I will be showing more of these sketches and paintings too
Posted by
Chris Bellinger