Thursday 8 May 2008

What About Cornwall?

Over the next few months i a`m doing my Dissertation on The Imaging of Cornwall, Does it exist ?[ a subtitle}. so if you are reading this and have any ideas or thoughts that would be great. At the moment it is going to be mainly Artist based but i may bring in writers and other stuff.
What does Cornwall mean to you?
So many people over the years have taken inspiration from this remote region of England and it has drawn so many artist's over the years each taking something away.
any opions will be gratefully received


vivien said...

Cornwall to me is where i lived when I was young - and loved dearly. I loved the light - so different near the sea and the moody ever changing tides and weather. The little roads going up and down hill with glimpses of coves as we travelled - tide in or out, stormy or calm and blue - always different. Cornwall is very special.

As you know I've done work on the beaches there.

I love the work of Kurt Jackson and other contemporary painters working there, many showing at the Great Atlantic Mapworks gallery and Beside the Wave and the Lemon Street Gallery in Truro.

Good luck with the dissertation :)

Tina Mammoser said...

I haven't painted Cornwall yet though I'm really looking forward to getting there on the coast project, so really just wanted to wish you luck with the dissertation! :)

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