Monday 21 April 2008

Early Morning Sun & Horizon

Here is a version of a recent idea,the early morning sun rising above the horizon of the sea,As I live near the sea Southsea or Hayling island it seemed appropriate, also glimpses along the sussex coast towards Brighton,I must admit to being inspired from a idea of horizon from The cycling artist tina-m. hope she will forgive me, It is though my own interpretaion and things observed over the years of early morning observations.
The overall shape and balance of this group of paintings is important as well as the colour, the paintings can be seen as individual or in sections and the colour bands work well.

1 comment:

Tina Mammoser said...

You've got some really interesting effects happening here. You clearly enjoy the looseness of the medium, which is great and comes across.

I know what you mean about a collection of pieces like this - to us it has such importance how we group it together. I did a 'piece' once of about 7 canvases of different sizes that were the Thames River and landmarks. Quite fun!

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